Od 1.1.2024 nás najdete na nové adrese Radlická 365/154, 150 00 Praha 5 - Radlice. Areál Nová Waltrovka, budova Metalica

Od 1.1.2024 nás najdete na nové adrese Radlická 365/154, 150 00 Praha 5 - Radlice. Areál Nová Waltrovka, budova Metalica

Popis zákroku

Capsulation is one of the complications which may occur after breasts are augmented with silicone implants. It’s experienced by around 2–5 % of women who undergo the surgery. In mild cases, the condition can be treated with medication or massages. Major cases require that the capsule is removed by means of reoperation. It’s claimed that placing implants behind the muscle decreases the risk of capsular contracture by approximately 40%, compared to the method which sees them placed behind the mammary gland.

Symptoms include: an accumulation of scarred tissue around the breast implant; the breast feels hard to the touch; the scar tissue compresses the implant, causing pain or even visibly breast deformation. There can be multiple causes for a capsule to occur, most frequently: infection around the implant, hematoma, or contact with the silicone gel if the implant’s surface is ruptured.

The surgery always involves an implant removal, or replacement. It’s done under general anaesthesia and usually takes 1–2 hours. The patient must consult the physician and undergo a prior pre-operative examination. The procedure is same as an implant replacement.

Postoperative course

Week one: Rest
Week two: Medical check-up (stitches are dissolvable, and not removed)
Until week six: Wear an elasticated brassiere
After week six: May be fully physically active
After three months: Ultimate breast condition, no swelling


